
We bill on an hourly tariff, between € 220,-- and € 500,-- excl. VAT, depending on the case and the required expertise.
Furthermore we may agree on a flat fee / fixed price. The payment of a retainer is required at the time of engagement.

We use general terms and conditions.

You may qualify for financed legal assistance (only cases under Dutch jurisdiction / in Dutch courts). The Dutch legal aid system provides legal aid to people of limited means. We can inform you about this or you can consult the website of the Council for legal assistance: Raad voor Rechtsbijstand (English version).

No clients account

Our law firm does not have a clients’ account. If a counter- or opposing party or a third party owes you money, or if you are entitled to legal costs, we request the debtor to transfer the amount owed directly to your account.

Click here if you want to ask us a question or if you would like to make an appointment.

Why Kaarls Criminal Defense Lawyers? Read here.